“Pact of the Magnate” May 1222

      Melchior Meinhardt, the burgeoning magnate of Kustenleben, hosted a party in which nobles from across the Known World were invited to do business. Steigandhaus, Melchior’s grand estate, played host to much frivolity, but tensions grew throughout the event as attendees realized their conflicted interests were being pitted against one another.

       After the evening’s feast, Melchior was found slain on the grounds. The attendees gathered and formed a council to present evidence and determine who amongst them had murdered their host. It was decided that the culprit was Lord Conrad Volksgardt of Vinderburg, and he was then taken into custody to be delivered to Maximilian Habrich, King of Nordenmark, and charged in his court.

“Reverence and Retribution” March 1223

      Shortly after the events at Morneburg, Count Dimitri Maritz von Austrenburg returns to his capital, Vienz, to host the Crown Festival, a celebration symbolizing the unity of Kurzenstrad. Despite the best efforts of Count Maritz, who hosted a tournament and a lavish feast for his guests, none could ignore that his grip on the unification of Kurzenstrad appeared looser than ever. However, Count Maritz succeeded in keeping the peace in Vienz as opposition to Conrad Volksgardt mounted.

      Near the Crown Festival’s end, the betrothal of Ynes Veracruz and Aleksi Scholtz was made public, as was the knowledge that Scholtz had withdrawn all of his business and assets from Vinderburg - and that Lady Ynes herself was to become the new magnate of Kustenleben and occupy the office previously held by Melchior Meinhardt. As head of the High Council of Vinderburg, Conrad Volksgardt declared Aleksi Scholtz a traitor for absconding.

“The Gilded Concord” September 1223

      Now seated at Steigandhaus, Lady Ynes Veracruz celebrates her new title, and reminiscent of Melchior Meinhardt, hosts a great gathering in the hopes of forging new alliances and bonds. Among these attendees were the disgruntled Kurzen, headed by Count Maritz and Conrad Volksgardt, who demanded that Aleksi Scholtz be given to them so that he may stand trial in Kurzenstrad.

      When their demands were adamantly refused by Lady Veracruz, it was revealed that the Kurzen had prepared a cannon within their encampment, and a bombardment of Steigandhaus began. A battle ensued on the estate grounds, and while the manor itself sustained heavy damage, the defenders won the day and the Kurzen army was forced to withdraw. A truce was called for both sides to collect their dead and wounded.

“Defiant Dawn” May 1224

      As the newly risen Voivode of Zapadny Oblast, Olezka Zadroznitsky welcomed many to the city of Kirvod in hopes of building new friendships and enacting prosperous treaties. But some came to Kirvod with their own ambitions in mind and forces from within Obrovoska were set upon the voivode’s failure.

      While Lord Zadroznitsky succeeded in winning over the cooperation of the nobles of Kurzenstrad, his plan to vassalize the Onogurs of the eastern steppes was rejected by Catbeg Khan and the steppe horde set off into the neighboring oblasts to seek riches and glory.